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Securing Your Data at the Hardware Level

In part 1 of this securing embedded memory blog, we considered how your data is at risk and concluded that security needs to start at the hardware level. And as your IIoT’s data resides in memory, that’s the best place to start. Isolation through partitioning


What is a Value-Added Distributor?

Unfortunately, it’s a fact of life that most distributors are just a local presence for their suppliers. They take orders. And they hold some stock. Thankfully, in the B2B engineering sectors, it’s somewhat different as there is, quite rightly, an expectation that value should be


How Secure Is Your Data?

In our increasingly connected world, embedded systems, such as those at the heart of IoT and IIoT devices, need to carry sensitive data. Accordingly, if you’re an embedded systems designer, you’re advised (certainly by us) to not only make security a priority from the start


The best possible protection for the data and program files in your embedded system comes to Embedded World 2022 …

If you’re an engineer and you need your data protected from the elements AND malicious threats, book a visit with our engineers at Embedded World 2022 now… Who are Nexus Industrial Memory? We provide specialist memory products, designed specifically for industrial systems and information security.


How to Accurately Pair Wireless Medical Devices with a Physical Token

The wireless revolution has changed lives for billions of people around the world, allowing us access to news, entertainment, education and assistance at the touch of a button, with no wires required. Occasionally, the wireless tech in our homes and businesses goes awry, and when


How to Secure Embedded Memory

In an earlier blog I discussed the security challenges for embedded memory and stressed that making products, such as IoT-enabled devices, more secure should be taking a much higher priority than it currently is. And in another blog, I outlined how embedded memory might be


Cybersecurity in light of Russian turmoil

Open a newspaper, turn on the TV, head online for your daily dose of news, and there’s one subject that’s impossible to escape. And surprisingly, it’s nothing to do with a blonde, British Prime Minister. Instead, the tensions between Russia and Ukraine have taken over,


Cyber Secure Memory – Live demonstrations

Nexus Industrial Memory specialises in the provision of memory-based products designed especially for applications where commercial solutions are simply not secure enough, rugged enough or have no guaranteed long-term availability. Nexus Industrial Memory will be showcasing some of the electronics industry’s most secure embedded memory


Is your facility connected? You are then at risk…

IoT-enabled devices used in industrial applications are vulnerable to many forms of cyberattack. Michael Barrett, managing director of Nexus Industrial Memory, outlines some ways in which devices might be attacked and suggests how they can be made more secure.   Security is a growing concern


Security Challenges For Embedded Memory

In an earlier blog I discussed how embedded memory might be attacked through a forced memory buffer overflow, and I indicated how to protect against such an attack. However, while the countermeasures I suggested are relatively simple ones, certainly at the engineering level, there are


How might an embedded system be attacked?

IIoT-enabled operating technology (OT) embedded systems are exposed to risks from the moment their comms ports open. In this blog we’ll ask and answer the question ‘How might an embedded system be attacked?’ by considering the two common types of attack. Historically, embedded systems have


How to securely erase an SSD and deliver sustainable embedded cybersecurity

SSDs are increasingly popular as a method for storing data, but they also open up the risk of cyberattacks. Secure erasing them is ideal for optimising PC performance, but also necessary for critical applications in case of attacks or data breaches. Thanks to an innovation


SSD with PLP for Safer Data Storage

The modern world is heavily data-oriented and is reliant on technology that provides easy, fast and secure access to high volumes of data. In the past, hard disk drives (HDDs) were relied on for storage. Increasingly, Solid-State Drives (SSDs) are used. They provide much faster


Cyber Safe Removable Memory Devices

As Coronavirus COVID-19 continues to challenge our industry it’s important we don’t lower our guard against digital viruses. Michael Barrett, MD of Nexus Industrial Memory, explains how ‘going industrial’ can improve the security of applications that use removable memory devices. Cybersecurity is a growing concern


Lead times lengthen and prices increase

I wanted to share a couple of thoughts on the current manufacturing and supply issues around semi-conductors. It really is a significant problem at the moment – you know it’s bad when it reaches the mainstream media; just the other day I read in The


Get Your Industrial Memory Up To Form

Various forms of malware, including the offspring of the Stuxnet worm that was written to hunt for controller hardware, are tailored to transfer via USB drive. Michael Barrett, MD of Nexus Industrial Memory, recommends the use of industrial form factor devices in all instances where


What is a product design review and why do you need one?

One upshot of more time at home has been the increased opportunity to discover new things, and get some reading done and over the last couple of weeks, there’s a piece I’ve found hugely helpful for anyone who uses, or is considering using, product design


Serial EEPROM: Fixed in Place or Removable?

There are many ways of incorporating this popular memory type into your embedded system, but one of the early questions to ask yourself is: permanent installation or have the ability to easily replace the EEPROM? Electrically erasable programmable read-only memory (E2PROM but more commonly called

Want to find out more?

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FREE comparison guide – EEPROM Vs Flash Memory

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