Nexus Knowledge Centre
For very good reason, security is getting its time in the sun right now. The world feels more unpredictable and dangerous than it has for quite some time, with tension all over the world.
And as a design engineer, it falls on you to design products that are secure enough to counteract the threats that are out there. You’ve got to protect sensitive data, prevent unauthorised access, and safeguard against cyber threats.
Unsurprisingly, plenty of governments, organisations and companies are considering afresh what they can do to bolster their cybersecurity, in light of the very real threat of hacking and cyberattacks.
With that in mind, we’d like to direct you to a recent article of ours published in Electronics World – Protecting IIoT devices from cyberattacks
With more and more operational technology systems becoming IoT enabled, the attack surface for cyber-attacks is getting larger. Michael Barrett discusses the threats and solutions.
For many applications data collected in the field must be stored onto removable memory devices. Michael Barrett, MD of Nexus Industrial Memory, provides guidance on what to look for when selecting a drive for use in harsh environments
Non-volatile memory is used in most embedded systems. The question is : with all the different memory types available, which is the best to use, and why? This question is tackled in this technical blog.
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