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The Key to Successful Wireless Firmware Updates

What Engineers Need to Know Before Designing IoT Cloud Connected Embedded Systems.

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Design Guide For Embedded Systems

Implementing an embedded system with a removable USB flash drive can be a difficult task. Knowing the key concepts and considerations beforehand can make the job much easier

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Wireless Coexistance: Pairing Wireless Medical Devices

This white paper gives an introduction to the topic of wireless coexistence of medical devices, including what the FDA has to say about it. It then takes an in-depth look on how to manage multiple instances of the same wireless medical device in the same proximity. Several options are discussed for linking or pairing of these wireless medical devices
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How to choose the best type of removable memory device

Pretty much any embedded system you can think of will utilise some form of removable technology and the options available to the designer have increased – you’re able to choose from a variety of USB flash drives and SD card solutions. Many of these are ‘standard’ and ‘universal’, while others are “non-standard”, abandoning the standard form factors for reasons of robustness or security. To help you build something that performs its function AND stands the test of time, we’ve put this guide together – to make the process as easy as possible for you.
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Use Cases for Datakey Crypto Authentication™ Token

This paper highlights just a few of the potential applications for Datakey CryptoAuthentication memory tokens. The functionality described in each use case can be combined or removed to fit a particular application. If you start by asking what features and functions are needed we can help you in developing use cases specific to your application.

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