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Use CryptoAuthentication in your embedded applications?
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Token based authentication takes Microchip’s ATSHA204A and ATECC608A high security hardware authentication ICs and repackage them into a rugged portable memory device. 

If you’re on this page, the chances are you’re looking for token based authentication.
You’ve just found it.

For more information on Datakey CrytoAuthentication™ see here.

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Security Features:

  • Security Features – Unique serial number, multiple secure data slots, one-time programmable memory, usage-tracking counters, secure host-memory token authentication, random number generator, support for symmetric and asymmetric encryption algorithms and more.
  • Ultra-rugged Construction – CryptoAuthenticationTM tokens are solid over-moulded using a durable composite, making them impervious to liquids and virtually crush-proof.
  • Redundant Contacts – With contacts on both sides of the memory token it is impossible to insert it “upside-down.”
  • Branding Options – The tokens are available in six standard colours and come in standard and extended lengths. The extended length token can be OEM-branded with a moulded logo.

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